Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Kezia Williams, of Entertainment One UK, on the FutureLearn Distribution by the Film Distributors Association speaks about how film distributors build a 'comp list' of comparable films that their target audience would enjoy.

She emphasises the importance of knowing your targeted audience. She asks questions like"what drives them to the cinema" and "what interested do they have", as well as this she also says distributors will compare data of films that are similar in their genre, story and selling points. The target audience and budget is developed from what box office take was like with previous films and the types of audience that saw these films. The target audience can be analysed to find the gender gap, and which cinemas the target audience usually go to.


1 comment:

  1. You have conducted relevant research into how real distributors identify target audiences. You show understanding of how a 'comp list' functions and have identified three comparable films, and indicated the elements that your target audience would be interested in.



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