CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION 1: How does your film opening use or challenge conventions?


  • The opening of our film shows the BBFC rating certificate which is a legal requirement and shows advisory warnings, the age-rating of our film is 15 due to the fact the film shows mild violence and threat. 
  • This is followed by our production company logos Rocking Horse Productions and Mirror Studios, the logo in Rocking Horse Productions moves as well as including a sound effect of a creaking rocking horse so that it is disconcerts the viewer. Mirror Studios also includes a moving image before the name of the company dissolves, this fits the genre of our film. 
  • The establishing shot of a close up of a match being lit in the dark sets the scene as in the world of our film there is an energy crisis, resulted in people using candle light. 
  • From the start, the gene of our film is signalled by the mise-en-scene, lighting, sound and narrative. The lighting starts off very dark and dim and is only lit by candle light which creates a mysterious mood and atmosphere, this creates enigma as well as conveying the genre of the film. The audience is introduced to the world of the film through the headlines of several newspapers which the camera pans over. The sound at the beginning of the film is extremely quiet, all that can be heard is the sound of candles burning; this creates enigma and helps to convey the genre as it is mysterious. The soundtrack soon begins, it starts off slow and peaceful but then gradually increases in pace when the scientist has figured out the correct calculations, this dramatic increase shows his realisation and builds suspense.
  • The actors names appear in the credits as the actors are appear on the screen, this identifies the actor with the character that they are playing. The other credits, including the writer, director, editor appear and other credits appear throughout the film opening in a font that fits and matches the film.
  • The protagonists appear early on, they talk and their relationship is established that they know each other. The friend's wealth is established by his clothes as he is wearing a suit and tie. 
  • Cross cut editing is used followed by a blurred cantered angle shot of someone getting attacked, this creates questions and encourages the audience to continue watching the film. Like all good film endings our film hooks the viewer by ending with a cliff hanger which creates enigma. Mystery is created leaving the audience to ask 'who has been attacked', 'have the calculations been destroyed or stolen’.

  • Finally the film title appears.

How does your film opening represent social groups and issues?

I created Pinterest boards to allow me to create a visual representation of the social groups and issues presented in our film opening, thinking about how we would dress the characters to further represent their social class through the use of mise-en-scène, with clothingprops and locations. There are two contrasting social groups presented, one being the young hardworking and struggling scientist and the other his friend, a rich and wealthy man. Creating a board of the locations reinforces the ideas of the contrast between two characters, one of the locations being wealthy looking and well embellished room/house whilst the other being an office that is dark and lacks furnishings.

The main issue presented in our film is global warming, and the result it will have on earth if nothing is done or no solution to provide clean energy is found. This is a current issue which is presented in our film opening through the use of candle light; as there is no energy people have had to result in using candles for light, this reinforces the issue of global warming and makes it aware to the audience.

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 Ruby Lawson 1996 I worked with Finlay Williamson 1986. Our brief was to make the titles and opening of a new fiction film (to last a maximu...