Thursday, January 27, 2022


Initially we chose to start the opening of our film with the camera following a man walking in the tunnel, we were going to have the camera track/follow him from the side however when filming we felt that this did not work as we expected; therefore we decided to change this camera shot into a series of shorter static shots with different angles using a narrow depth of field. For the final shot of this scene where the man gets attacked, we used a canted angle and changed the camera settings so that it was out of focus to create suspense for the audience. To create these effects we used a Cannon EOS camera as this allowed us to change and control the focus as well as increasing the quality off the footage. 

In the final edit of the film opening we decided not to use all of these scenes due to them not helping to explain the narrative and the length. However, we kept the final scene we filmed as we felt this created suspense as well as being an important part of the narrative

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


The British Board of Film Classification awards and decides an age rating and content warning for film certificates. The BBFC consults and decides on the age rating of a film to ensure that the content of the film is age appropriate and suitable for children or young people.

I researched how the BBFC classifies films by studying their website. From this I learned that a 15 certificate may contain threat and horror and allows violence to be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. Due to our film containing mild threat and a few scenes containing mild violence, we classified it as a 15. We also aimed our film at 15-35 years old which reasoned us to construct our film to fit into the category that this audience would relate to. The next age classification up is an 18 which which is regarded as containing 'sadistic threat'; we felt that this does not reflect our film. I created my BBFC certificate for our film using Adobe Photoshop and a template that I found on the internet.


 Ruby Lawson 1996 I worked with Finlay Williamson 1986. Our brief was to make the titles and opening of a new fiction film (to last a maximu...